Why Traumatic Brain Injury Tracker

Q: Who Should Use TBI Tracker?

A: Caregivers, family members and those suffering from a brain injury.

TBI Tracker can be used by anyone. Those injured, their caregivers and/or their loved ones can all benefit from using the TBI Tracker app. For caregivers and family members TBI Tracker is a simple tool that can be used to monitor a sufferers symptoms. It will give them a complete picture of the symptoms and challenges facing those they are caring for. TBI Tacker can also help them communicate with medical professionals providing a detailed information allowing for improved treatment.

What are the Benefits?

TBI Tracker is a free app that brain injury patients, and their families, can utilize to help advance treatment. The app is based on a treatment protocol designed to establish an enhanced standard of care for TBI sufferers.

When a person experiences a mild/moderate brain injury it can often be difficult for them to identify all of their symptoms, and being aware of these symptoms is a major step to getting proper treatment. Many times a treating medical professional will ask patients (or loved ones/caregivers) to keep track symptoms or changes in daily life. It can be a cumbersome, difficult task to keep mental or physical notes and information may get lost.

TBI Tracker Can Help.

TBI Tracker can help by providing a simple, comprehensive symptom checklist that can be completed anytime. The symptoms included are verified by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Centers Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Once the symptom check list is submitted the information is stored in app and emailed to the end user, providing multiple access points. This information can be accessed anywhere, anytime and shared with treating medical professionals providing a more consistent, complete picture of the symptoms being experienced.  This can lead to an improved treatment plan for the brain injury sufferer.

Symptoms Verified by CDC and NIH

The signs and symptoms included in TBI Tracker were reviewed within the New York State Department of Health using the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) for sources of verification.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institutes of Health

What’s the Catch?

There is no catch, TBI Tracker is a free resource for brain injury sufferers. Our hope is that we can gather user feedback, improve the app and find new ways to support the brain injury community. We hold a strong belief that brain injury should be treated with the same level of urgency that is provided any other vital organ. We fear that too many TBI’s are misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed and believe that TBI Tracker can be a resource to help effect change.