
TBI Tracker is the result of a collaboration between brain injury advocate Brent D. Feuz, Dr. Cheryl Frye and Comprehensive Neuropsychological Services. Our goal is to provide beneficial tools and resources to the TBI community. Your input could help us better support our community, please don’t hesitate to send us your feedback. Thank you for using TBITracker.com.
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No medical advice intended. This website/application is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Through this website/application, the authors/programmers provide general information for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. The authors/programmers are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this website/application.

If you believe you have a medical emergency, you should immediately call 911 or your physician. If you believe you have any other health problems, or if you have any questions regarding your health or a medical condition, you should promptly consult your physician or other healthcare provider. DO NOT disregard medical or professional advice, or delay seeking it, because of something you read in this website/application. DO NOT rely on information in this website/application in place of seeking professional medical advice. You should also ask your physician or other healthcare provider to assist you in interpreting any information in this website/application, or in applying the information to your individual case.

Medical information is constantly changing. Therefore, the information contained in this website/application should not be considered current, complete or exhaustive, nor should you rely on such information to recommend a course of treatment for you or any other individual.

No legal advice intended. This website/application includes general information about legal issues. Such website/application is for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. This informational material is not intended, and should not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. You should contact an attorney for advice on specific
legal problems.

Neither your receipt of information from this website/application, nor your use of this website/application to contact an attorney referenced therein creates an attorney-client relationship between you and the referenced attorney. The opinions expressed through this website/application are the opinions of the individual authors and survivors and may not reflect the opinions of any individual attorney referenced in the website/application. The authors/programmers are not liable or responsible for any legal advice, legal representation or any other information or services you may obtain through this website/application.