About TBI Tracker

What is TBI Tracker?




The TBI Tracker symptom tracker was designed for brain injury survivors, advocates and neurophysiological professionals. The symptom tracker has been designed to include a comprehensive list of brain injury related symptoms.

These symptoms can be tracked and monitored over time, providing valuable data and insight for those suffering from mild to moderate brain injury and their medical professionals.

The data from the tracker can be exported to a Microsoft Excel sheet and brought to all medical appointments. Allowing users to better communicate with medical professionals.

Ultimately this can lead to a more complete diagnosis and help the treating Doctors build more complete treatment programs.

Be Your Own Biggest Advocate, Get Tracking Today!

Make Sense of Your Symptoms.

Our easy to use symptom tracker form allows you to track date, time and severity of most of the common TBI symptoms in three categories; physical, cognitive and emotional.

Each time you complete the Tracker you’ll receive an easy to digest email that visually displays your symptoms & severity. You review all of your data over time as well in our in app responsive data tables.

With one click you can export all of your symptom data to a file so you can share it with your treating physician providing a full picture of your experiences supporting a more complete diagnosis and, possibly, improved treatment plan.

Have Questions? We’re Here to Help.